SCW LED Lighting Fundraiser
We are having a fundraiser for the purchase of new led lighting. Come take a look and see the difference.

We are asking people to donate the cost of 1 light (cost is $460.00). SCW is a non- profit organization so your donations are tax deductible!
- Peter Bilous
- Barbara Goodrich
- Dot Gualtieri
- Ginny Harcke
- Sharon Hatcherson
- Nancy Jehl Memorial Fund
- Michael Kirifides
- Jack Larner & Marjorie Egee
- Nancy Marvel
- Sara Jane Munshower (In memory of Rick Stengle)
- Kevin Penfield
- Angela Rivard
- Carole Smith
- Kathryn Sornson
- Jon Strasser
- Kristin Struven
- Donald Thureau
- Julia Biechler
- Allison Butler
- Pat Conchar
- Chris Goodrick
- Ginny Harcke
- Larissa Heather
- Dianne Hotmer
- Nicholas Hsieh
- Pam Kincaid
- Sue Lapin
- Lori Beth Levin
- Janice Li
- Peter Liu
- Kristen Marvel
- Sandra Mather
- Sandi Mather (Ladies Group)
- Sandra Melican
- SCW Blades
- Alice Rakowski
- Irene Sannajust
- Irene Sannajust
- David Shapiro
- Gina Shaughnessy
- Lotus Shen
- Ocean Shen
- Elizabeth Sills
- Carole Smith
- Mary Smith
- Kathy Snyder
- Melinda Weinstein
- Sara Weymouth
- Diana Wheeler
Be a Donor and have your name add to this list!
Contact the Office today for details: 302-565-5005